Friday, January 22, 2010

7 Things About Me

Karin over at A Window Into Whimsy, who I proudly stalk follow, tagged me in a fun blog entry. I have been challenged to write about seven things people most likely don't know about me. Since I am fairly new to the blogging community, maybe this will be a good way to formally introduce myself.

1. I am a high school Spanish teacher. I love my job, I love my co-workers, and ask me on the right day, and I will tell you that I really like love my students. I do!

2. I am learning how to sew. My Aunt is letting me use her old Kenmore machine (thanks, Sue Sue!). The first time we set it up, I thought I was being all suave because of the internet research I had done on sewing machines, I asked her how it "automatically threads the needles," imagine the hearty chuckle she gave me when she said it's old school, and doesn't do it automatically. I am still having fun learning and sometimes the older machines just do it better!

Here is a picture of Tulah helping me sew:

3. I am a dancer at heart. I danced ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical and modern since the age of 4, up through college. I also taught dance for quite a few years throughout high school, college and even after. I spent so much time with my dance teacher, she was like a third grandmother to me. I don't take dance lessons anymore, but I still love to bust a move whenever I get the chance and for no reason at all! PS: Zumba is a fun way to dance exercise!

4. I cannot explain things in a concise way. Point made: I could have simply wrote that I am "long-winded," but I decided to phrase things differently. This is something I am aware of, and working on. I am sure it drives my students and husband crazy, but oh well! :o)

5. I want to learn how to work power tools. Then I want to own a set of power tools, my OWN set of power tools, preferably in the color purple, because that would be cool. I am woman, hear me (circular) saw!

6. I had seven, yes SEVEN friends stand up for me in my wedding. Some people think it's ridiculous, but I couldn't help it. In fact, there is a group of 6 of us who email each other on an almost daily basis. It is easier and cheaper than talking on the phone and we all span the U.S. continent from California (hi Jamie!) to Nashville (hi Liz, Carmen and Sara!) to New York City (hi Anne!). We have been emailing like this for almost 10 years!

7. My favorite people to craft with are my Mom, my Aunt, my cousin (best friend/matron of honor) Andi, my grandma Toto, and my little doggie Tulah. We have a blast no matter what we do.

Hopefully you learned a little something about me, and now I think I am supposed to tag someone else next. Since I can't stalk tag Karin back, I would really like to get to know Kim at NewlyWoodwards! I like her blog.


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Red Head! :) I love the new logo for your website, too. I'm most definitely in need of a craft spirit this weekend as I try to get a few things decorated before playgroup comes to our house for the first time! Now about that spray gun for spray paint ... I'm oozing with joy that something like that exists!

  2. #4 is so me...i swear my hubby is going t go crazy with me just talking and not getting to point as quick as he would like

  3. I am right there with you for #5. I desperately want to know how to use power tools. First, on the list was sewing. I have mastered to a very minimal degree. Now, I need to move on to power tools!

  4. I just stumbled across your blog today (hopping from blog to blog) and was touched by your tribute to your Grandma. I started looking around and came across this post. You probably already know this but in the event you don't and you REALLY do want to learn to work with power tools (#5 above), you HAVE to check out:! I had no interest in woodworking whatsoever until I stumbled upon the UCreate site when there was a guest post about Ana White and Knock-off Wood. You will be hooked, I swear!
