Friday, January 29, 2010

My Husband, the crafter?

Attention Ladies and Gentlemen, sound the trumpets, make some noise, raise the flags...Presenting the newest crafter at Red Heads Craft More Fun--- My HUSBAND!

So get this, I was driving home from work today when I received his phone call telling me I needed to check my Red Head's email. Since when did he become telepathic? How strange that he seemed to know I would have mail from a reader...

When I got home, there it was in my inbox: a request to feature a "craft" that a reader had made. His name was Robert, pronounced (and signed) "Robear." That's funny, my hubby's Spanish name in high school was "Robear," and here was his craft he had worked on all day:

It's a guitar pedal board to hold and organize all of his guitar pedals!! I am so shocked proud!

Number one: My husband crafted!

Number two: My husband organized!


I know it might not look like much to the non-guitar player, but he even used recycled material. The backing is a part of a slat wall. He used velcro to attach each pedal to the slat wall. He even tucked all of the cords into the slats, plugged them into a common power strip, and now there is only one thing to plug in.

And, he even cut it all to fit into a zippered, handled carrying case, so that he can bring it to and from church on Sunday mornings. (He plays music in the church band.)

Way to go, Sweetie Robear! Keep up the great organizing crafting! :o)