Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chalkboard Halloween Decor

I bit the chalkboard bullet and decided to create a few things for Halloween using chalkboard spray paint.

The first I made was a chalkboard pumpkin. I got a black pumpkin at Michael's and simply spray painted it. Wrote "eek" on it and it is oh-so-cute!

And the other project, I am sure you have seen all over blogland as a PB knockoff. I took some rocks, spray painted them with the chalkboard paint, added some vampire faces and other assorted words, and yet another spooky creation!

I love Halloween!


  1. Chalkboard paint is one of the funnest things ever created!

  2. I L-O-V-E the chalkboard pumpkin!!!! I am obsessed with chalkboard paint! And I'm afraid to say my mind didn't go here this halloween season... :( So thank you for this great idea!

  3. Beautiful blog you have here. I am following from A Friendly Friday hop. You can visit me at www.adoctorandanurse.com. Thanks, Jana

  4. That pumpkin is so cute! I'm going to have to get my crafty back soon, I'm missing out on so many cute things!
    New follower! I'd love it if you could follow me back!
