Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Kitchen is Coming Together...

Hey y'all! Is it Spring Break where you are?? I am coming to you all the way from South Carolina! Whatever you are doing this week, I hope you are having a great time. Now on to some business...

Remember when I discussed our $20 kitchen update? We ended up with a weird space where we had taken down a set of cabinets. This is what it looked like.

That's when I made the Calendar/Memo/Menu Board.

And combined it with a $4 shelf from Goodwill.

And there you have a nice, organized area for mail and notes in the kitchen. Remember my matching coffee pot coaster? The kitchen is coming together nicely, don't you think?

Now if you'll excuse me, the sun is calling my name! Happy Spring Break!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    We made plaster shell casts every time we went on vacation to Cape Cod with the kids. They are great souvenirs of beach times.
