Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mini Notebook for your Purse

With Halloween over (Happy Halloween!) I find Christmas is on my mind (nevermind Thanksgiving, I guess). In fact, my husband and I have a plan this year to get all of our Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. So, I decided I needed to get organized. I found tiny composition notebooks at Target (2 for .99). I wanted something to carry around in my purse to write down gift ideas and gifts bought for everyone on our list.

I followed my tutorial on covering notebooks in fabric. This time though, I found it easier to paint the notebooks white to cover up the black and yellow swirled design.

Trim the fabric. This is a great project to use up those fabric scraps!

Trim the head n bond.

Iron the heat n bond to the fabric.

Peel back and iron on the notebook.

Trim the edges.

Iron over it one more time. Nice and slow on the edges. And there you have it- a mini notebook that will fit right into your purse. You could use it for grocery lists, thoughts, phone numbers, anything!

I will like to these parties this week.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chalkboard Halloween Decor

I bit the chalkboard bullet and decided to create a few things for Halloween using chalkboard spray paint.

The first I made was a chalkboard pumpkin. I got a black pumpkin at Michael's and simply spray painted it. Wrote "eek" on it and it is oh-so-cute!

And the other project, I am sure you have seen all over blogland as a PB knockoff. I took some rocks, spray painted them with the chalkboard paint, added some vampire faces and other assorted words, and yet another spooky creation!

I love Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

$65 CSN Store Winner

It is time to announce the winner of our Blogoversary giveaway!! The winner is:

mommy2luke2008 I would put it towards a Power Wheels Little Quad for my son for Christmas!!

I have always wanted a Power Wheel. (They should make them for adults, don't you think?!) I think your son will love his! Congrats!

Thanks to all who participated in this giveaway. It was a fun blogoversary party and as always, thanks so much for reading what I have to say. I HEART my followers!

Halloween House

I found this awesome treasure at Goodwill for 4 bucks last month! I debated getting it, but my mom talked me into it. She knew I could transform it into something for Halloween. (Don't Moms know everything??)

I spray painted it black.

My dad helped me pry the back off.

Then my mom and I covered the back with paper.

We then reattached the back.

After that, I used my Cricut to cut out some Halloween shapes. I used foam adhesive dots to stick the shapes into the windows of the house.

Now I just need to find a place to hang it!

Happy Halloween! I will be posting to these parties this week.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy First Blogoversary / CSN Giveaway

Did you know that we are approaching Red Heads Craft More Fun's blogoversary?!?! I thought it would be fun to have a fiesta while we reflect on all the fun things we've been up to. So, grab a party hat and read on!

In order to celebrate this great day, the lovely people at CSN stores have agreed to give one of my awesome readers a $65 gift certificate to use in one of their 200+ websites!! If you haven't met CSN stores, they sell awesome things like this bookcase headboard and this gorgeous entertainment center. I could sit for hours browsing their online stores.


For a chance to win a $65 gift certificate to, leave a comment on this post telling me what you would buy if you had an extra $65 and please include your email address.

Want more ways to win??
  • Follow Red Heads Craft More Fun blog (current followers can leave a comment and let me know you are already following)
  • Like/Fan Red Heads Craft More Fun on Facebook
  • Follow Red Heads Craft More Fun on twitter (RedHeadsCraft)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry
The giveaway ends Sunday, October 24, 2010. The winner will be chosen by
Open to U.S. and Canadian residents only.

Rush on over to CSN stores and check them out!

This giveaway is now closed.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tabletop Witch's Hat

Here's a fun, different idea from the traditional Halloween decorations- a Tabletop Witch's Hat.

Got an old pattern for a witch's hat laying around? If not, go online and find one! I wanted mine to be slightly nontraditional, so I used jean fabric.

Sew the triangles together and turn right side out.

This is where I went "off pattern." Instead of following the pattern, cut a long strip of fabric.

Fold it in half and sew it together the long way, pleating it as you go.

Pin the pleated hat brim to the hat.

Sew it on.

This is what it should look like so far.

Cut a piece of felt that will fit the opening of the hat.

Pin the felt in place, leaving an opening large enough for your hand to stuff the stuffing.

Sew the felt on part way, again, still leaving the opening. Then stuff the stuffing in nice and tight.

Sew the rest of the way closed. It doesn't matter what the seams look like, since this side will be facing down.

Paint the hat all over with black paint and let dry.

Sand in various areas to age the denim.

Tea stain some cheesecloth strips. Then tie onto your hat.

Add in some dried flowers.

And you know what they say.. if the shoe- er... hat fits...

I will be linking to these parties!

AND, join me tomorrow for an extra special giveaway for Red Heads Craft More Fun's First Birthday!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Skeleton Jar (Day of the Dead Part 2)

You may remember this creepy couple that I know? Well, I was finally able to put my finishing touches on their residence and best friend.

That's right, children avert your eyes! I took the hacksaw to Fluffy... Fluffy started out as a key chain that looked like this.

Next comes the hard part... chop off his adorable head. (Why is he still smiling??)

Grab another skeleton head.

Hot glue the skeleton head onto the dog's body.

I took a picture of the molding paste I used to put all over the dog.

Let the molding paste dry completely. This can take the whole day depending on how much you put on.

Paint 'er up with browns, blacks and grays.

Detail with the white.

Now the bride and groom have man's best friend to keep them eternal company. But they still need a place to live... Find a jar and line it with some greenery.

I also added a tree that I glittered and a fence. (Both were cut out with a Cricut machine.)

Plop your bride and groom in there along with Fluffy and they will all live happily ever after!

Here is a picture of the back, so you can see the glittered tree.

And one more spooktacular look from the front.

I will be linking up to these parties.